Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Form A Circle - Seed Blessing and Indoor Planting Ritual

Unfortunately for me, this is a ritual I, personally would never attempt. Not only do I not have a green thumb, I have a decidedly black thumb. Yeah, some witch I am! I kill mint! You know, mint…most people drop a small clipping in their yard, on the way into the house and two weeks later have a yard overrun with mint. Not me! I try to grow it & it dies. Every plant I even so much as touch dies! Well, that’s not entirely true…if I want it to go away, like the wild onions which essentially made up the front yard at our old house, they will reproduce and spread rapidly. Yes, it sounds an exaggeration, but really, it’s not. Even my co-workers who sit near me have learned to keep their plants from dangling over the top of their cubicles into mine, as the part that finds itself on my side of the wall soon starts to turn brown & wither….oh well, such is life :) I am relegated to buying what herbs & plants I need, or convincing Hunny to grow them – he has a very green thumb, but very little free time to take advantage…Anyways just because I can’t do it, doesn’t mean you can’t, so here goes :)


,   women~tag8b~michele~eye4expressions

(Get your very own sig tags that you, too, can customize! I found this one at Eye4Expression)

* Seed Blessing and Indoor Planting Ritual *
adapted from rituals in Silver RavenWolf's To Light a Sacred  Flame &
Campanelli's Wheel of the Year
from RainForest – (unfortunately this link is dead, but I did find it also posted at Earth Witchery which seems to be just chock-full of good information :)

Seeds that were gathered at Mabon or that you have purchased in packets can be blessed and started indoors at Ostara. This ritual should be conducted in the dark, as we are asking the Mother to bring the seed's light from the darkness of the warming earth.

You will need:

  • Seeds
  • Flower pots
  • Soil
  • A green marker
  • Popsicle sticks (optional)
  • Four candles, one for each of the four quarters
  • Priapic Wand (an oak wand with an acorn or pine cone tip)

Place your supplies on the altar. Cast a circle by walking clockwise, with index finger pointing down, saying:

"Creation flows from the arms of our Mother Goddess.
Creation flows from the strength and light of our God.
Creation is the mission of the human spirit.
From my lips the oath was sworn,
From my hand the circle is born
The earth, the air, the fire, the water
Return, return, return.
And the gifts of the land return.
Behold the circle is cast."

Ask special blessings from each Quarter as you call them. Lighting candle at North, say: ***

"Elements of the North;
Rich earth, comforting soil
Bless this ritual with your gifts."

Lighting candle at East, say:

"Elements of the East;
Sweet breath, carrier of gentle spring rain,
less this ritual with your gifts."

Lighting candle at South, say:

"Elements of the South;
Caressing sun, warming creation,
less this ritual with your gifts."

Lighting candle at West, say:

"Elements of the West;
Pure water, transformation energy
less this ritual with your gifts."

Using the priapic wand, tap each seed packet three times, saying:

"Now is the dark half of the year passing
Now do the days grow light, and the Earth grow warm
I summon the spirit of these seeds
Which have slept in darkness
Awaken, stir, and swell
As you are planted in the Earth
To grow and bring forth new fruit.
Blessed be!"

As each seed is blessed, visualize that particular plant in full bloom or full fruit. At this point, you may charge the seeds with blessings you hope to "sow" in the year ahead -- things like wisdom, prosperity, understanding, or certain magical skills. Next, draw the Birkana rune


(a B with points instead of curves),

the rune of new beginnings, on the Popsicle sticks or on the flower pots. Add soil. Plant the seeds and water. Thank the Goddess and God. Dismiss the Quarters and close the circle. Tend your seeds carefully in the coming weeks. If desired, plant the seedlings outdoors when the danger of frost has past.

***As I’ve said before, these are not the directional associations I use. If you choose to follow it as written, and it works for you, that’s fine :) If I were to do this ritual as laid out, it would be ineffective, because I don’t believe the direction/element associations are correct, and Magic is funny that way. Your beliefs influence the outcome of everything you do, very strongly. Therefore, you must do what works for you to be effectual. This is one of the reasons any good mentor or teacher will make very clear that using a pre-written spell or ritual isn’t the way it’s done. Don’t get me wrong, it may very well work, but not necessarily as you want it to, and rarely as well as it would if you “tailor” it and add your own touches…

Disclaimer: No one involved in this blog or its contents may be held responsible for any adverse reactions arising from following any of the instructions / recipes on this list. It is the reader's personal responsibility to exercise all precautions and use his or her own discretion if following any instructions or advice from this blog

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