Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Form A Circle – Ritual for Internal Well Being & Luck In A New Home

Ritual For Internal Well Being And Luck In A New Home
found at
khakani’s mystical world

Timing: At the Waxing moon.
Be sure to  gather things you need for the second part of the Ritual/Spell when making your preparations. 


  • A vial (about 100 ml) of water from a steadily flowing river, rain water, (bottled mineral water or sea water will work, but shouldn’t be first choice)
  • Two blue candles
  • Two white candles
  • A candle in the color you feel best represents yourself
  • A grey candle
  • A black candle
  • An orange candle
  • Freshly picked lavender
  • Crushed leaves & petals of a white rose
  • Sage (optional)
  • Blessed salt (optional)
  • Blessed water (optional)

Before you begin sweep or vacuum the floor and generally clean the room you will be performing the ritual in. Remember, you’re creating Sacred Space.

Light the blue candles and place at the north and south points of a circle cast in your main living room. Light the white candles and place at the east and west points of the same circle. Scatter the lavender and rose evenly around the perimeter of the circle and sit within it, facing the north point. Cross your arms loosely over your chest and focus your awareness on the breath entering your body and slowly spreading through it. Return your focus slowly to your environment and extinguish the candles using the river water, kneeling before each as you do so, in the order north-west-east-south.

Light the candle that represents yourself and say:

'This is me, me in all things'.

Light the black candle and say:

'This is all the bad luck that has dragged my footsteps.
Trouble, disappointments and tears are here.
This bad luck now leaves me forever'.

Light the grey candle and say:

'All that was bad is neutralized.
All my bad luck is dissolved'.

Light the orange candle and say:

'This is the energy coming my way,
To get my life moving
And speed up the change'.

Sit quietly for a while and visualize the negative energies being whisked into the grey candle and dissolved into empty nothingness. Visualize the orange candle drawing good energy and good luck towards you, see the air stirring about with possibilities and opportunities. Let the candles burn down completely (take the usual safety precautions). Now close your circle.

You may like to "smudge" each room with by burning sage In a small bundle. You could  also sprinkle blessed and consecrated salt and water in each room of the house as you say a blessing and prayer asking for a happy life and good luck in your new dwelling.

Disclaimer: No one involved in this blog or its contents may be held responsible for any adverse reactions arising from following any of the instructions / recipes on this list. It is the reader's personal responsibility to exercise all precautions and use his or her own discretion if following any instructions or advice from this blog.

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